Welcome to opening night of the Cornley University Drama Society’s newest production, The Murder at Haversham Manor, where things are quickly going from bad to utterly disastrous. This 1920s whodunit has everything you never wanted in a show—an unconscious leading lady, a corpse that can’t play dead, and actors who trip over everything (including their lines). Nevertheless, the accident-prone thespians battle against all odds to make it through to their final curtain call, with hilarious consequences!
Part Monty Python, part Sherlock Holmes, this is a comedy that’s guaranteed to leave you aching with laughter!
Run Dates - Fall 2023: October 20 - October 28
Director: David Clayton
Artistic Director: Cece Prudhomme
Tech Director: David Clayton
Musical Director: Gyasi Blanton
Associate Director: Alyssa Davidson
Student Director: Abbigayle Scott
Stage Manager: Maddie Blank
Assistant Stage Manager: Caroline Graham
Assistant Stage Manager: Sophie Meyers
Student Technical Director: Kate Diers
Featuring: Charlie Goodman, Holden Hagelberger, Jack Harrison, Savera Karia, Will Meadows, Bella Perroni , Sammie Smith, Owen Sullivan,
Cornley Stage Company: Chris Crowley, Trace Murphree, Jonah Tritt ,Grey Myers ,Emily Tacam, Murphy Schrecengost(swing) Lauren Conticello (swing)
Crew Heads: Griffin Ferguson, Lighting Design; Carleigh Nickel, Lighting Design; Set Crew Sean Eagleston Paige Mandery Publicity; Macy McAfee, Hair & Makeup Design; Alissa Podvorec, Hair and Makeup Design; Berkley Baughman Property Master; Kiera Cochran Property Master; Maggie Dickson, Costume Design; Frankie Miller, Costume Design; Henry Cohen, Sound Design; Cole Tanner, Fly Captain; Kira Sledge, Hana Riley, & Lizzie Picott House Crew Heads